Susie Dee

Susie Dee

Performer, Director, Actor

Shows worked on

Susie Dee has worked with...

Angus Cerini

Angus Cerini

Worked with on Caravan and 1 other

Patricia Cornelius

Patricia Cornelius

Worked with on Caravan and 1 other

Nicci Wilks

Nicci Wilks

Worked with on Caravan and 1 other

Mary-Lou Bailey

Worked with on Lilly and May

John Beckett

John Beckett

Worked with on Lilly and May

Caitlin Byrne

Caitlin Byrne

Worked with on normal.suburban.planetary.meltdown.

Tony Hargreaves

Worked with on Lilly and May

Marg Horwell

Marg Horwell

Worked with on Caravan

Peter Houghton

Peter Houghton

Worked with on normal.suburban.planetary.meltdown.

John Francis Howard

Worked with on Echoes of Ruby Dark

Daniel Keene

Daniel Keene

Worked with on Echoes of Ruby Dark

Michael Leunig

Worked with on Lilly and May

Wayne Macauley

Wayne Macauley

Worked with on Caravan

Lisa Mibus

Lisa Mibus

Worked with on normal.suburban.planetary.meltdown.

Ian Moorhead

Ian Moorhead

Worked with on Caravan

Ross Murray

Worked with on Lilly and May

Peter Oyston

Peter Oyston

Worked with on Lilly and May

Melissa Reeves

Melissa Reeves

Worked with on Caravan

Zoë Rouse

Zoë Rouse

Worked with on normal.suburban.planetary.meltdown.

Naomi Rukavina

Naomi Rukavina

Worked with on normal.suburban.planetary.meltdown.

Jim Russell

Jim Russell

Worked with on normal.suburban.planetary.meltdown.

Claire Shepherd

Claire Shepherd

Worked with on Caravan

Jill Smith

Jill Smith

Worked with on Lilly and May

Kathryn Sproul

Worked with on Lilly and May

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

Worked with on Lilly and May

Andy Turner

Andy Turner

Worked with on Caravan

Tom Webster

Tom Webster

Worked with on normal.suburban.planetary.meltdown.

Alan West

Worked with on Echoes of Ruby Dark

Rhonda Wilson

Worked with on Echoes of Ruby Dark

Jethro Woodward

Jethro Woodward

Worked with on normal.suburban.planetary.meltdown.

Kasia Zygmuntowitz

Worked with on Lilly and May